Duman Wau

Duman has extensive experience of more than 12 years with the development field. He started his work in NGO by the time reformation movement took place in Indonesia. In 1999, he involved on advocacy work by promoting democracy, human right, fair election, good governance and poverty issues.

By the time tsunami hit Aceh and Nias in 2004, he worked with Walhi Sumut for relief efforts. Soon, he was given respinsibility to lead an NGO, LPAM, for relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction programs after earthquake disaster hit Nias in 2005. He also led the program of development post disaster strengthening farmers capacity for their livelihoods. He initiated the establishment of an NGOs network in Nias by building collaboration and networking organisation among the local NGOs working in the island.

He is currently working for World Agrofroestry Centre/ICRAF as the Gorontalo AgFor Project Provincial Coordinator. He is accountable for implementing the Agroforestry and Forestry (AgFor) Sulawesi Project in Gorontalo Province. The project promotes agroforestry system, organic farming, conservation farming to increase income of farmers and ensure protection of environment. In order to ensure sustainability impact of the project, he encouraged champion farmers to capitalise their knowledge gained from the project to be enterprenerial farmers by building their tree nursery as a business unit and linked with private sector. Duman’s interest is sustainability issues and sustainable certification, with particular reference to coffee and cocoa production.

Duman Wau holds a Master of Philosophy degree in International Development from University of Birmingham, UK. He is also an alumni of a program of APLP (Asia Pacific Leadership Program) in East West Center, Hawai’i, USA promoting mutual understanding and network building among Asia Pacific counterparts.

He wrote journals, working paper, and policy brief with colleagues “2015. Standard systems and sustainable cocoa production: Issues and actions in Indonesia, Cameroon and Peru. By D. Mithöfer, James M Roshetko, Duman Wau, Jason Donovan, Valentina Robiglio, Nathalie Ewane. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services and Management (Under Review)”, “2015. Working paper: Whos’ get more benefit from agroforestry farming practices? Gender analysis in Gorontalo Province. World Agroforestry Centre Working Paper”, 2015. “Working paper: Potential and challenges of global certification network to promote sustainable small-scale cocoa farming: A case of Indonesia cocoa farmers participating into global certification. International Social Justice Conference”, “2016. Supporting social forestry through People Forestry (HTR) scheme in Boalemo District, Prov. Gorontalo. Policy brief 66 AgFor Sulawesi Series”.