I Kadek

I Kadek Suastika was born in Gianyar, September 14th 1986. He graduated from Udayana University majoring at English Department. In 2008, while working on his undergraduate thesis proposal, he was succeeding to be the first awardee of IELSP Scholarship from Bali. This grant, sponsored by IIEF, gives him opportunity to sharpen his English and widen my horizon about the American culture for 8 weeks in Oregon State University, Oregon USA.

Being abroad for the first time, makes he addicted to pursue his higher degree overseas. Afterwards, in 2009, he tried to apply for IFP Scholarship, coordinated by IIEF as well, to pursue his master abroad specially in Applied Linguistics. During approximately one-year process of selection, Kadek was announced as one of the 50 grantee of this IFP award. Then he chose UK as destination country and University of Birmingham as his chosen place of study. He went to UK in 2011 and back to Indonesia particularly Bali in 2012.

Being graduated from overseas University then does not guarantee any luckier chance in Bali. Instead of teaching at University, he was offered to teach English for Senior High School students. Soon, he found that being engaged in this 15 to 18 year students offers him a great chance to open their views and horizon about studying abroad. He is keen on making them get the similar chance as I had before in their early age. Therefore, he encourage them into one English club and teach them skills they need to prepare them going abroad. This effort then yields a sweet fruit. This year, one of his supervised students, Yudha Andayana, success to win a scholarship. Yudha will spend his 11 months ahead in the US starts from this August 2017. In addition,Kadek also has some friends to be mentored while applying overseas scholarship. One of them, Willin Jullian Sari, from Aceh, has been passed the selection and got her master to study chemistry in La Trobe University starting from last year.
Kadek loves his job now. It is all about making “cloning’ of his self. Having chance to experiencing overseas study and becoming a better person for their surrounding.